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Controlled cannabis cultivation: Maryland’s laws on growing marijuana

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2024 | CRIMINAL LAW - Drug Charges

In Maryland, it’s legal for persons to use marijuana for recreational purposes – with some restrictions. For instance, it’s okay to possess up to an ounce and a half of cannabis for personal use. But once someone goes over this legal limit, they can face criminal charges.

State law takes a similar approach to the cultivation of cannabis plants for personal use. While anyone within legal age can grow the plants, there are criminal penalties for those who don’t follow the rules.

Restrictions on cannabis cultivation

According to Maryland law, a person may not cultivate more than two cannabis plants. The state prohibits anyone under 21 from growing marijuana.

The person growing the cannabis must also take “reasonable precautions” to ensure the plants are safe from unauthorized access and the reach of other persons under 21. These reasonable precautions include growing the plants in an enclosed locked space.

Other things the state prohibits include:

  • Growing cannabis in a location that’s open to public view
  • Growing cannabis on property not lawfully owned by the grower and without consent of the actual owner

Violating any of these restrictions can lead to criminal charges.

The penalties for violating cannabis cultivation rules

Anyone who violates Maryland’s laws commits a misdemeanor offense. On conviction, the person faces up to three years of imprisonment and $5,000 in fines. On top of these punishments, the offense will show on a person’s criminal record, which can harm their employment and education opportunities.

Yes, Maryland allows anyone of legal age to use and grow marijuana. But there are limitations in place, and violating any of them can lead to fines, jail time and a criminal record. Breaking the laws on growing cannabis may not be a violent offense, but it can still be an intimidating experience to appear in criminal court. A legal professional experienced in criminal defense may be able to help represent you in court if you face charges.